zoe thoughts

hey hey :3 this is my personal little space for sharing thoughts and reviews on stuff i read, watch and play! check out my twitter while you're here!!!

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Smiling Friends Season 2 - 24/06/24

smiling friends once again cements itself as maybe the best adult animated series on TV right now, definitely my favourite. season 2 is really just the perfect blend of nonsense improv and funny, clever writing. every episode was a hit, but i think the standouts for me were "Erm, the Boss Finds Love?", "Charlie Pim And Bill Vs. The Alien" and "A Allan Adventure", each for a multitude of reasons. the animation really improved this time around too, i noticed. a ton of shots this season have really fluid and nicely drawn character acting and movement, very appealing to look at. i think my only actual "criticism", if any, is that i wish the seasons were a little longer? 8 episodes isn't a ton, especially when each one only runs around 11 minutes. id gladly wait another half a year or so for a couple extra episodes a season. that being said, very excited for season 3, whenever that may be!

Metroid Prime: Remastered - First Thoughts - 20/06/24

the Prime 4 trailer got me fully onboard the hype train and i decided to go back and play the Prime trilogy in prep for 4 next year. my copy of Remastered arrived today and after playing the first couple hours of it im immediately hooked. the varied, lush environments are immaculate and it's got those really cozy gamecube vibes i love about first party nintendo games from the era. the gameplay is really fun, samus is very satisfying to control and i have a lot of fun taking out enemies, most of which are basic flora and fauna of the chozo ruins as of where i left off. something i really like about it is the scan system. its a lot of fun to scan different elements of the levels and get information about every inch of the world. i really appreciate that kind of worldbuilding. overall i had a very, very good time with my first few hours in Metroid Prime and im excited to pick it back up real soon. you'll hear back from me once i finish it :3